Norfolk Southern Lawsuits and Damages Claims

We Only Get Paid if We Collect for You

East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment

East Palestine Deserves Better

The residents of East Palestine were peacefully going about their lives the evening of February 3. Since that time, the derailment of 38 cars of the Norfolk Southern 149-car train has turned into a disaster of unknown proportions and an unwelcome intrusion into the lives of so many in the affected area. Any of the intrusions would be more than most care bear, billowing clouds of smoke, concerns over exposure to toxic chemicals through the air and water, being forced to leave your home only to then be told it’s safe to return with no proof or reasoning, reporters and camera crews as large as the Norfolk Southern train, government representatives asking questions and taking samples without providing enough answers and results, lost income – and then there is the unknown future. Will the cleanup be adequate and fast enough? Will you need to leave your homes and relocate? What will happen to your property values and businesses? And most importantly, will there be health consequences, either in the near or long-term?

No obligation East Palestine water case review

File a Claim for Train Derailment Damages

Norfolk Southern, a company worth more than $50 billion has pledged just $6.5 million to the residents of East Palestine – while the company made $3 billion in net profits last year. Whether or not Norfolk Southern could have prevented this accident with a modest investment in greater maintenance, something that should have done just as a matter of good business, the company operates on the basis of putting profits before people. At the same time Norfolk Southern wants to offer a fraction of 1 percent of its annual profits to the residents of East Palestine, the company wants to spend $10 billion in a stock buy-back program designed to make the company more financially attractive and raise its stock price.

East Palestine Train Derailment Claim
Exposure today may lead to health consequences today, tomorrow or years from now

While State officials and the EPA pledge to clean up the mess and provide compensation to the affected residents, when has a cleanup ever occurred fast enough, when does “it’s safe to come back” and “it’s safe to drink the water” mean it’s truly safe. We’ve all seen this time and time again, an agency telling us what is or isn’t necessary, taking away your options to make decisions for you and your family. We don’t want that to happen to you. We want you to have options.

Dead fish in East Palestine, Ohio

East Palestine Train Accident Lawsuits

Norfolk Southern has announced to shareholders and financial news media that the company has $1.1 billion in liability insurance to deal with any and all claims arising out of the accident. Even after the company has an accident solely under its own control, it somehow wants to avoid the real cost of the damages to your lives – and get financial credit for it. It’s one thing for a company to make a mistake, but to either allow or plan for mistakes because you have liability insurance is usually negligence.

Every resident, and the community as a whole, deserves to bee compensated for the disaster that Norfolk Southern brought to East Palestine, the surrounding area and Western Pennsylvania. By filing a lawsuit now, you ensure that your rights are preserved.

Why Choose Us for Your Norfolk Southern Claim?

Free no obligation Train Derailment case review

Free No-Obligation

We provide free no-obligation Norfolk Southern lawsuit case review

Contingency representation for Train Derailment lawsuits


We work on a contingency basis, meaning there are no fees unless we collect for you

Expert Train Derailment Claims Attorneys

Expertise In Class Action Lawsuits

We have experience winning claims against huge multi-national corporations

East Palestine Area Residents Are Entitled to Compensation for Norfolk Southern's Negligence

East Palestine toxic water

Is the water truly safe to drink? What about the future?

Contaminated Water Attorneys

We have a track record of winning large settlements on behalf of American families through major litigation

Toxic Chemical Exposure from Norfolk Southern

How will this effect property and business values in the future?

Millions for Train Derailment Claims

We have successfully recovered over $1 billion for our clients

Train Derailment Lawsuits

Norfolk Southern cannot be allowed to make billions while putting the good people of Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania at such risk

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Frequently Asked Questions

Attorneys offering Norfolk Southern lawsuit representation provide answers to a variety of questions related to filing a train derailment lawsuit. This information applies to most Norfolk Southern lawsuit questions related to exposure to harmful toxic exposure. If you still have questions, or would rather speak directly with an attorney representing families in Norfolk Soutehrn lawsuits, please fill out our contact form. Our lawyers offer free, no-obligation case consultations. Read full Norfolk Southern lawsuit questions and answers.

Train Derailment Attorney

Train Derailment Toxic Exposure Lawyers

The national toxic chemical exposure lawyers at OnderLaw have a distinguished track record, winning major cases against multinational conglomerates and achieving justice on behalf of American families harmed by negligence. We have seen the aftereffects of countless acts of negligence and willful disregard, what happens when companies put profits over people. winning significant compensation for our clients. Aware of the grave nature of the risks of toxic exposure, our national law firm has dedicated its significant resources to provide clients with the best legal representation available. OnderLaw have the resources necessary to seek the compensation that the residents of Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania deserve.

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